
Monday, January 31, 2011

Good blog for textbooks and some software

I just discovered Prateek Mehra's blog, which has more than a thousand textbooks and applications posted for download.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sharing Music (or other files) over a Network

If your school or workplace is like mine and sadly does not have a DC++ network, you need to be a bit more creative to share your music and videos. Fortunately, Mac OS X makes this very easy. If you can get a bunch of people together to follow these steps, you can get a nicely sized (and legal) sharing network. Pictures and a tutorial after the jump.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Study and Concentration Aid - Rain and Music

For a while now, I've loved listening to rain storms as background noise to help me concentrate on my work. Now, I use Rainy Mood, at the same time, and it really makes a lot of music sound cool.

I'd suggest trying out one of

Hægt, kemur ljósið by Ólafur Arnalds:


Extra Pitch Over the Cliff by Seidenmatt:

If you'd like to download the full albums for either, you should buy them on a reputable site. Or

Ólafur Arnalds - ...and they have escaped the weight of darkness
Seidenmatt - If You Use this Software Often, Buy It